The following song was created by Rhonda, an adoptive mom from my agency. She shared it with all of us that are anxiously awaiting court dates. Enjoy!
"We are mothers hear us roar,
Desperately wanting to knock on your door,
To beg you to please give us our court dates.
Because even one more day seems way to late.
For those of us waiting to pass through court,
We are begging for your immediate support.
We understand you are doing your best,
But with out your ok, well there is no rest.
We love our kids and want them home.
To give them more love than they may have ever known.
We'll feed them, love them, and hug them tight,
Tuck them into bed each and every night.
We understand there are rules you must follow,
But these endless delays leave us quite hollow.
You want the best for our kids, on that we agree.
But we are the best for them, can't you see?
In our arms they will find both Peace & Love,
The kind show to us by Christ in Heaven above.
He will watch over them,this we know.
Just like us, He loves them so.
Until our day comes, we will unite as one
In prayer for good news soon to come.
When one gets approval you'll hear us shout.
Supporting each other is what family is all about.
Until our kids are in our embrace,
We'll stand together in this difficult race.
We will succeed, there is do doubt.
Finding forever families is what we are all about."